Age 16: Paris, 1998. After completing his GCSE's, he went on a school trip to Paris, to sightsee. Of course, he wasn't the only one with ulterior motives. One Friday evening, he'd been down to Là Defense and had bought a few bottle of Vodka. The party got back to the hotel and he proceeded to drink 3/4 of a litre of Vodka, either by shots or gulps in half an hour. This night they were due to go on the Bateaux Mouches. But he didn't see much of the river or sights because he passed out in the one and only toilet, forcing a little kid, desperate to go, to piss his pants!! Age 17: Long and lengthy... Click HERE!! Age 18: To be completed. This involves a week in Ibiza, and the Summer after the completion of his A-Levels.
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